digital image mjr 2002
- JAMES G WRINKLE - Well - i guess that says about
all you can say about this guy. Oh c'mon you know i wasn't gonna give it up that easy. I've written it other places but that was then and this is now which is like about JAN 2002 You might wanna read right here that Ron and Jim go way back, and have spent so much time together and worked and played and talked together a lot and most of all of that out of my sight. All i know is what i see hear and feel, and what i saw and heard and felt, i liked. If Jim and Ron want to tell you stuff about them they'll do it. I don't know enough about it except to say that the 1st color computer and 3D program i used was one Jim got from Ron. As far as i'm concerned i was the best thing jim ever bought and they're probably both sorry i got hold of it. Jim's unstinting (but not uncritical) acceptance of all persons holding a paintbrush, an open hand and even more so heart - has branded him a visionary of form and spirit in times both dark and light. The lad can hold his substances and wallow in the esoteric, philosophical, practical and the Latin names of obscure tropical fish with the best of them without getting uppitty or loosing his cooth. He rarely kicks his computer when it whips his ass at chess and will will fool around happily as your basic neonate for days cutting out weird shapes and mixing colors and just painting painting painting. There are few colorists to equal him alive on the planet, and if you feel there are some dead ones that were better - well you're welcome to dig them up and have them over for a beer and some conversation. Me, i prefer Jim. Some persons have said he's a forgotten, or obscure, or undiscovered artist - but we remember him daily, know right where and how good he is, and discovered him long ago and never lost him. Now- it's up to you to go to his site or get hold of him through Ron Davis or email him or write or phone him and buy some of his stuff, lots of his stuff not because he needs the money but because it's very very very good and there's an excellent chance that if a bunch of you did this you'd all of you make a bundle off of him. And so would we, his good friends - who are holding Wrinkles against that very day. |